Paella, Part Two?

Paella, Part Two?

Many moons ago, I spent a few glorious weeks in Spain and I tasted everything I could imagine. I mean everything. I could write a book on the dishes and drinks I enjoyed, each day brought one revelation after another.

When I think of that first trip, I remember countless moments and foods. A favorite combination of red pepper, onion, and tomato has become a tried-and-true addition to most dishes, Spanish or not.

Like most versions, my paella always begins with that mix. Saffron, of course, gives the characteristic color and inimitable flavor. The trinity provides the backbone. Oh, what a backbone!

For more than twenty years, we’ve celebrated Christmas Eve by celebrating with Seven Fishes, an assortment of fish dishes sometimes in the double-digits. This year, all seven dishes were snug in a golden bed of bomba rice. Please tell me what you think.