We visited the Garfield Park Conservatory over the weekend while visiting the “Windy City”, Chicago. It is one of the largest conservatories in the United States. Walking into the greenhouse one feels as though they have entered into an indoor rainforest with towering glass ceilings …
I was born and raised in Atlanta and I say that with an abundance of pride. I am what we playfully call a “Grady baby”, which references Grady Memorial Hospital where the majority of African American babies at the time were born. I love Atlanta …
The sweets of my childhood remain my all-time favorite desserts. Lemon meringue pie, ambrosia, peach cobbler, bread pudding, and key lime pie keep me drawing from a well so deep of memories, enough for a lifetime.
It surprises no one that all of these are fruit desserts; even my luscious bread pudding is studded with rum-soaked raisins. Fruit drives it all by its bright and tart notes and a more complex sweetness than plain sugar could ever give.
There’s one dessert that tops them all, my mom’s prune cake. Uhm uhm uhm. My love was, of course, inevitable. I was the kid who loved prune juice, the stewed prunes on my tray in old-fashioned cafeterias, and dried fruit plumped up in compote. While I like plums, I adore prunes. They make everything better.
As we write our second cookbook, my mom and I will again include the original prune cake recipe and then bravely (with hubris?) add at least one variation of this family favorite. Here is a peek of the new recipe in progress.
While warm, a vanilla-kissed syrup is poured over the cake, rendering it like an English pudding. I like it best slightly warm but others swear it’s better cold. I’ll let you be the judge. It may require tasting it repeatedly at every temperature. Ah, what price for art!
I wear green every day. Each St. Patrick’s Day, I don a little extra, okay, a lot extra. When I read as a kid that there was a place called the Emerald Isle, I was captivated and just knew that I had to visit this …
Key Lime PieCheesecake with Blueberries Crème brûlée
Last Saturday, after a long day of exploring the city, we sat down with friends for dinner at C&S Seafood & Oyster Bar in Atlanta. The lights were perfectly dimmed, service was excellent, and there was joy and excitement in the air. Everyone enjoyed their entrees and since we were celebrating a special occasion, we decided to order an abundance of desserts.
The sweets were brought to the table with fanfare and were lit with candles. Sharing the desserts at the table was so much fun. Tasting them all allowed us to double the pleasure, triple the delight, and on and on.
We enjoyed them communally. What came to mind as we sat around the table were all of the intangibles that we have: laughter and a common history built upon familiarity. We shared our mutual love and well wishes for each other. More important than the food, we touched on our hopes and dreams for beautiful tomorrows and gratitude that particular day and the days gone by.
One of the best things about humans is that we seem always game to celebrate. Whether it’s National Hot Dog Day (July 20th), International I Hate Coriander Day (February 23rd) or Measure Your Feet Day (January 23rd), every day seems to be an opportunity to find …
Last week we were able to view the Obama Portraits Exhibition at the High Museum of Art. It was such an awesome experience. Each time that I visit the High, I think of how lucky Atlanta is to have a world-class museum. Looking around, there …
Laissez les bons temps rouler or more simply stated, “Let the good times roll!”
We’ve been fortunate to celebrate Mardi Gras and other festivals in several places that we have visited. It’s so exciting to hear the music and see the vibrant colored costumes and floats. There is always joy in the air and a sense of pride by those who have prepared for these moments. It is their shining hour. It is indeed the time to let the good times roll.
The most famous of all celebrations: New Orleans!
St Thomas festivities seemed to involve the entire island. Everyone participated!
San Antonio is a beautiful city in itself and the spring celebration with all of the flowers, music, lanterns, and the riverwalk made it magical.